A super-fast learning program
Would you like to make a breakthrough in the Slovenian language?
Discover a learning method you will enjoy and where learning becomes fun, fast and effective!
* The personalised super-fast learning program is a customised method of individual education where you can learn and speak Slovenian quickly.
The Slovenian language program is intended for:
- Foreigners living in Slovenia or looking for a business opportunity in Slovenia
- Foreign entrepreneurs who want to improve their specific knowledge of Slovenian
- International students and pupils studying in Slovenia
- Foreigners who are afraid of learning and speaking Slovenian
- Foreigners who want to learn Slovenian and cannot find the motivation to learn
- For people who want to upgrade and improve their knowledge and speech of Slovenian in various fields
- ...
The super-fast learning method is a unique individual approach that activates all the senses during the learning program, allowing you to learn and speak Slovenian stress-free after only a few days.
Learning can become enjoyable and fun. The program is intended for everyone who wants to learn a foreign language quickly, thoughtfully, and perfectly.
The Slovenian language program includes
- Specially adapted content based on your goals and wishes
- Coaching to overcome the fear of learning and speaking and increase motivation to learn
- Individual education through an active-passive super fast learning program
- Light and sound stimulation and learning content in alpha or theta state for faster memorisation of content into long-term memory
- Support for improving concentration, memory and brain cell health
- For more effortless relaxation and better well-being, the program includes a full body chair massage
- If you have problems or are afraid of learning and speaking, hypnosis is also included in the program
How can we help you?
Would you like to learn more:
Please contact us at +386 41/516-058 or write us. Come for a free presentation and personal experience.
Mojka Žagar
Učiteljica naravnega petja
Mateja je iskriva in duhovita, v svojih pristopih izjemno ustvarjalna, na nevsiljiv način te pripravi do tega, da se poglobiš še vase, ne le v probleme jezika. Ne gre torej le za učenje jezika, temveč tudi za podporo in spodbudo pri celostni rasti.
Preberi večUrša Milavec
Master Change Training
Vsi, ki želite učitelja jezikov, ki je obenem tudi človek z velikim Č, vam polagam na srce, da se odločite za Matejo. Od poslovneže v, do otrok s posebnimi potrebami, v procesu učenja se je sposobna zliti z vsakim človekom, ne glede na status, spol in starost.
Preberite večLara Vesel
Pri urah z Matejo sem bila predvsem navdušena nad bogato pripravljenim gradivom, ki ga skupaj predelava glede na mojo željo in zanimanja. Prav tako pa me vsakič znova veseli pogovor v tujem jeziku, saj se pri urah pogovarjava večinoma zgolj v tem.
Preberi večTjaša Ciuha
športnica in gimnazijka
K Mateji sem šla na intenzivne ure angleščine v alfa stanju. Učila me je v Karnionu in po enem tednu sem dobila certifikat za angleščino na B2 nivoju. Mateja mi je dala ogromno, in hvaležna sem za vse, kar me je naučila.
Preberi več